To this end IWLA provides opportunities and support for language teacher education by:
As of 2010, the IWLA Executive Board has suspended membership dues and strives to represent ALL world languages educators across the state, regardless of their participation in our conference or other activities. We welcome YOU to count yourself as a member!
We would love to have more members involved in IWLA. Won’t you join us on the Exec Board or Advisory Board? Please express interest in joining our team to iwlasecretary@gmail.com. We would love to see your name on the IWLA Conference 2024 Ballot!
Section 1.1. Purposes. The purposes of Iowa World Language Association (hereinafter the "Association") shall be to provide leadership in foreign language education; to promote the study of foreign languages and cultures; to provide opportunities for individual professional growth of world language teachers through workshops, conferences, symposia and regional meetings; and to represent its membership before the Iowa Department of Education and other educational agencies in furtherance of the foregoing purposes.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association is organized exclusively for educational purposes. It shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).
Section 2.1. Principal Office. The principal office of the Association in the State of Iowa shall be located in the residence of the current treasurer. The Association shall have and continuously maintain in the State of Iowa registered office, and a registered agent whose office is identical with such registered office, as required by the Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act. The registered office may be, but need not be, the same as its principal office in the State of Iowa. The registered office or the registered agent at such registered office, or both, may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors by compliance with the applicable provisions of the Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act.
Section 3.1. The Association members shall be defined as any registered, active, retired, or pre-service language teacher. IWLA recognizes all world language teachers as potential members; including World Language, ESL, and ASL teachers, hereinafter collectively called "members".
Section 3.2. Qualifications of Members.
a. Active Members. Any member who has accessed the membership portal annually or attended the annual conference will be considered an active member and have voting rights as defined below.
b. Inactive Members. Members who have not attended the annual conference or logged into the membership portal for a period of two years will be considered inactive and removed as voting members.
Section 3.3. Voting Rights. Each active member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members.
Section 3.4. Withdrawal. Any member may withdraw as a member by filing a written withdrawal with the Secretary.
Section 3.5. Transfer of Membership. Membership in the Association is not transferable or assignable.
Section 3.6. Dues.
a. All dues have been suspended as of 2010.
b. All membership dues shall be set through a vote by the Executive Board. Increases in dues may not exceed 25% of the current dues amount annually. (i.e. October 1 through September 30).
Section 4.1. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the members shall be held at such a date, location, and time as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 4.2. Special and Regular Meetings. Special meetings of the members, for any purpose(s), may be called by the President or Board of Directors. If twenty percent of the Association's voting members so request, the President shall call a special meeting.
Section 4.2a. Place of Special Meetings. The membership or the Board of Directors may designate any place for special meetings of the members called by the Board of Directors or the President.
Section 4.2b. Notice of Regular and Special Meetings. Written, printed or electronic notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting of members and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered either personally or electronically to each member not less than ten days before the date of such meeting, by or at the direction of the Board of Directors, the President, or the Secretary or persons calling the meeting. The notice of the meeting shall be deemed delivered when it is posted on the official website of the association, iwla.net.
Section 4.3. Quorum. A quorum shall be considered 25% of the members eligible to vote. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of the members, a majority of those eligible voters present may adjourn without further notice. If the number of eligible voters at such an adjourned meeting should increase to constitute a quorum, any business planned for the original, adjourned meeting may be transacted. The members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of members to leave less than a quorum.
Section 4.4. Voting of Members. A majority of the members present and voting shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws.
Section 5.1. General Powers. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, or such person(s) as may be from time to time designated by resolution of the Board of Directors, shall represent the Association in meetings with the Iowa Department of Education, the State Board of Regents and other institutions and agencies.
Section 5.2. Number, Tenure and Qualifications.
a. The number of directors on the Board of Directors shall be seven (7).The President, Vice-President, Past President, Conference Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, and Professional Development Chair of the Association shall be members of the Board of Directors and this Bylaw shall constitute their continuing appointment to the Board of Directors during their tenure in such office or position.
b. Except as otherwise provided herein, each Director shall hold office until his or her successor shall have been elected and qualified.
c. A person must be an active member of the Association to qualify for election as a member to the Board of Directors and must continue to qualify at all times while a director. If a director elects not to serve as a director, such person's directorship shall be deemed vacant. If a person ceases to qualify while a director such person shall be ineligible to continue to serve as a member of the Board of Directors and his or her directorship shall be deemed vacant.
Section 5.3 Regular Meetings. A regular annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at such time and at such place as shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may provide by resolution the time and place for the holding of additional regular meetings of the Board without other notice than such resolution.
Section 5.4. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of the President or a majority of the Directors. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board of Directors may fix any place as the place for holding any such special meetings.
Section 5.5. Notice. Notice of any special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given at least five (5) days previously thereto by written or electronic notice delivered personally, by telephone, or sent by mail or e-mail to each Director at such Director's address as shown by the records of the Association. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the
United States mail so addressed, with postage thereon prepaid. Any Director may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a Director at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a Director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting of the Board need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting.
Section 5.6. Quorum. One-half of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Directors present and entitled to vote at such meeting may adjourn the meeting without further notice.
Section 5.7. Manner of Acting. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the act of a majority of the Directors present and voting at such meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors.
Section 5.8. Compensation. Directors as such shall not receive any stated salaries for their services; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude the Board of Directors from authorizing the reimbursement of a Director for expenses incurred in serving the Association.
Section 5.9. Informal Action by Directors. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of Directors, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing or electronically, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Directors entitled to vote.
Section 5.10. Meetings by Conference Telephone. Members of the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board by conference telephone or similar communications equipment. All persons participating in the meeting shall be able to communicate, and participation in a meeting pursuant to this provision shall constitute presence in person at the meeting. Records of the meeting shall be kept as required by these Bylaws.
Section 5.11. Presumption of Assent. A Director of the Association who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any Association matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his or her dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting or unless he or she shall file his or her written dissent to such action with the person acting as the Secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by registered mail to the Secretary of the Association promptly after the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a Director who voted in favor of such action.
Section 6.1. Duties. The Association shall have an Advisory Council which shall serve solely in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors. The Advisory Council shall not have the authority to act upon any matters for the Association nor shall it have any powers.
Section 6.2. Membership; Tenure.
a. The Advisory Council may consist of the members of the Board of Directors, the Conference Exhibitor Liaison, presidents of the AAT's and equivalent language associations, the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages delegate from Iowa, the Central States Conference representative from Iowa,the Editor of the Iowa World Language Bulletin, the Iowa Department of Education World Language Consultant, the Webmaster, and the chairpersons of all committees established by the Board of Directors of the Association. If representatives of the following constituencies are not already included in the Board of Directors, the President may appoint one person from each of the following constituencies to serve as members of the Advisory Council: private colleges and universities, public universities, community colleges, secondary schools, middle/junior high schools and elementary programs.
b. Except as otherwise provided herein, each member of the Advisory Council shall hold office for at least one year.
c. A person must be a member of the Association to qualify for appointment to the Advisory Council and must continue to qualify at all times while a member. If a person who is appointed to serve as a member of the Advisory Council elects not to serve, or resigns as a member of the Advisory Council, such member's position shall be deemed vacant. If a member of the Advisory Council ceases to qualify as a member of the Association, such person shall be ineligible to continue to serve on the Advisory Council, and his or her position shall be deemed vacant.
Section 6.3. Regular Meetings. A regular annual meeting of the Advisory Council shall be held without other notice than this Bylaw, immediately before or after, and at the same place as, the annual conference.
Section 6.4. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Advisory Council may be called by or at the request of the President or a majority of the members of the Advisory Council. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Advisory Council may fix any place, either within or without the State of Iowa, as the place for holding any such meeting.
Section 6.5. Notice. Notice of any special meeting of the Advisory Council shall be given at least five (5) days previously thereto by personal delivery, by telephone, mail, or by any electronic means to each Advisory Council member at such member's address as shown by the records of the Association. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail so addressed, with postage thereon prepaid. Any Advisory Council member may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of an Advisory Council member at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a member attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the agenda nor the purpose of any regular or special meeting of the Advisory Council need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting.
Section 6.6. Quorum. The presence of fifty-one percent (51%) of the members of the Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Advisory Council. If a quorum is not present, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting without further notice.
Section 6.7. Manner of Acting. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the act of a majority of the members of the Advisory Council present and voting at such meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Advisory Council.
Section 6.8. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring on the Advisory Council may be filled by appointment by the President. A member so appointed shall serve for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office or the full term of such new membership, as the case may be.
Section 6.9. Compensation. Members of the Advisory Council shall not receive any salaries for their services; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude the Board of Directors from authorizing the reimbursement of an Advisory Council member for expenses incurred in serving the Association.
Section 7.1. Officers. The voting officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Past President, Conference Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, and Professional Development Chair Officers, with the exception of the Conference Coordinator, shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present and voting shall occur at the Annual Meeting of Members.
The Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Professional Development Chair shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the Annual Meeting of Members.
The presidential cycle is a term of three (3) years. At the time of the election of officers, the Vice-President whose term is expiring shall automatically and without any further action become President and the President whose term is expiring shall automatically and without any further action become Past President. The Past President shall not be eligible to hold the office of Vice President for the two-year period immediately following their term as Past President.
The Secretary and the Treasurer shall serve for a term of two (2) years and shall be elected in alternating years.
The Professional Development Chair shall serve for a term of two (2) years and shall be elected concurrently with the Secretary in odd years. The Secretary, Treasurer and Professional Development Chair may serve consecutive terms in the same office.
The Conference Coordinator shall serve a two year rotating term, first as Assistant Conference Coordinator. This position will be appointed by the Board of Directors and is a voting position. Assistant Conference Coordinator is a non-voting member of the Board
Section 7.2. Qualifications. A person must be an Association member to qualify for an elected office of the Association and have been a member of the Association for a minimum of two (2) years and had experience teaching a world language or preparing world language teachers and must continue to qualify at all times while an officer. If a person ceases to qualify while an officer, such person shall be ineligible to continue to serve, and his or her office shall be deemed vacant.
Section 7.3. Removal. Any officer who serves on the Board of Directors may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Board whenever in their judgment, the best interests of the Association would be served thereby.
Section 7.4. Vacancies. A vacancy in the office of President, for any reason, shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the President-Elect. A vacancy in any other office, for any reason, shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by a vote of the majority of directors.
Section 7.5. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members, the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council. The President shall (i) appoint the committee chairs and all members of the Advisory Council, (ii) be a member of all committees, (iii) submit an annual report to the Board of Directors, the Advisory Council and the members, (iv) represent the Association or delegate representation to other educational organizations, institutions and agencies, except as otherwise expressly provided, (v) keep the Advisory Council and the Board of Directors informed as to the various communications and committee programs pertinent to the Association, (vi) keep the members informed of the activities of the Association (vii) provide leadership for achieving the goals of the Association (viii) appoint a Conference Exhibitor Liaison to the Advisory Council, (ix) act for the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council and (x) perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time. The President may sign, with any other proper officer of the Association authorized by the Board of Directors, any contracts or instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws or by statute to some other officer or agent of the Association.
Section 7.6. President-Elect. President-Elect shall: (i) in the absence of the President or in event of his or her inability or refusal to act, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President; (ii) seek funding for Association programs and projects by preparing proposals addressed to those agencies that assist educational groups in such projects; (iii) chair the Awards Committee; (iv) receive grant applications and forward them as blind applications to the chair of the Grants Committee; (v) perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the President or by the Board of Directors.
Section 7.7. Vice-President. The Vice-President shall: (i) in the absence of the President or in event of his or her inability or refusal to act, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President; (ii) shall be responsible for membership outreach; (iii) assist the President in seeking support for efforts of the Association; (iv) shall serve on the Awards and Grants Committees; (v) perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the President or by the Board of Directors.
Section 7.8. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of his or her duties in such sum and with such surety or sureties as the Board of Directors shall determine, and the expense of the bond shall be paid by the Association. The Treasurer shall: (i) have charge and custody of and responsibility for all funds and assets of the Association; (ii) receive all moneys due and payable to the Association and deposit such moneys in the name of the Association in such banks or other depositaries as shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; (iii) write and sign checks, drafts, and orders for the payment of money in the name of the Association; (iv) maintain the financial records of the Association and annually submit a detailed report to the members; (v) chair the Budget Committee as needed; and (vi) perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors. The books will be auditedor a financial review will be conducted by a certified public accountant upon a change in the Treasurer or every three years or by designation of the Executive Board. Atax return shall be filed annually.
Section 7.9. Secretary. The Secretary shall: (i) keep the minutes of the meetings of the Advisory Council and the Board of Directors; (ii) record and distribute minutes of said meetings; (iii) be responsible for correspondence required by the President in fulfillment of the duties of that office; (iv) be responsible for membership outreach (v) assist in maintaining the IWLA website, ensuring all information is up to date and (vi) perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
Section 7.10.Past President The Past President shall (i) support the President and Board of Directors (ii) chair the Awards Committee; (iii) receive grant applications and forward them as blind applications to the chair of the Grants Committee; (iv) chair the nominations committee for director positions; (v) aid and advise the President on any matter on which such aid and advice is sought.
Section 7.11. Professional Development Chair. The Professional Development Chair shall (i) promote and organize efforts to offer professional learning for Iowa world language teachers, (ii) monitor member requests and needs to further serve all students in additive language programs, (iii) organize and maintain lists of resources for language teachers, (iv) seek funding for Association programs and projects by preparing proposals addressed to those agencies that assist educational groups in such projects; (v) serve as coordinator for conference professional development activities, (vi) seek Continuing Education and Renewal Credit opportunities and inform members, (vii) supply material to maintain the Professional Development portion of the IWLA website, (viii) perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
Section 7.12 Conference Coordinator.
The Conference Coordinator shall (i) coordinate the annual conference in conjunction with the Board of Directors: including site recommendation, keynote speaker(s), theme, and conference agenda; (ii) perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
The Conference Coordinator shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
and shall serve as a member of the Board of
Directors effective the date of appointment until December 15 of the year in which the
conference is held. The Conference Coordinator shall plan the forthcoming Conference with the advice of the Board of Directors. In the event of the Program Chair’s absence, the Program Chair’s duties shall be performed by the Assistant Program Chair.
Section 7.13. Assistant Conference Coordinator. The Assistant Conference Coordinator shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as a non-voting member and shall assist the Program Chair in planning the forthcoming Conference and assume any duties assigned by the Program Chair. The Assistant Program Chair shall assume the position of Program Chair the following year beginning on December 16.
Section 8.1. Standing Committees. The Association shall have the five following standing committees: (i) Nominating Committee, (ii) Awards Committee, (iii) Budget Committee, (iv) Grants Committee and (v) Conference Committee. Unless otherwise indicated in these Bylaws, the chairs of these committees shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. All committee members must be members in good standing of the Association. The duties of the standing committees shall be such as their titles imply and in particular as described in this Article. Any committee member may be removed by the President, if, in the President’s judgment, and with the consent of the Board of Directors, the best interests of the Association shall be served by such removal.
Section 8.2. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President and includes the presidents of the AATs and equivalent language organizations. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates which may include candidates for Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Advocacy Chair, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. In the case of Secretary and Treasurer, who shall both be eligible for two consecutive terms of office, the Nominating Committee may decide to present either or both their names alone in the re-election year. The Nominating Committee will also make provisions for write-in candidates on the ballot. The Nominating Committee shall submit at least 60 days in advance of the election a slate of nominees for officers along with relevant information on the nominees to the webmaster.
Section 8.3. Awards Committee. The Awards Committee shall be chaired by the President-Elect and include the President, the Vice-President, and the prior year's award recipients. The Awards Committee shall choose the recipients of all awards presented by the Association. No person shall receive more than one award unless unusual circumstances arise. The Awards Committee is not obligated to present all awards each year.
Section 8.4. Budget Committee. The Budget Committee maybe chaired by the Treasurer and include the Immediate Past-President, and up to two other members appointed from the Association's membership. The Budget Committee shall provide direction for Association funds.
Section 8.5. Grants Committee. The Grants Committee shall include a chair and two other members appointed by the chair. The chair shall receive blind grant proposals from the President-Elect. The Grants Committee shall (i) designate, subject to approval of the Board of Directors, the recipients of all grants to be awarded by the Association and (ii) be responsible to the Treasurer on financial matters and to the President-Elect on the application and awarding process.
Section 8.6. Conference Committee. The Conference Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past-President, as well as the Conference Exhibitor Liaison, the Program Chair(s), Local Chair(s) and Membership Chair(s), all of whom shall be appointed by the President.
Section 8.7. Other Committees. Other committees may be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors for such purposes and duration as the President may designate. All committee members must be in good standing of the Association. Any committee member may be removed by the President, if, in the President's judgment, and with the consent of the Board of Directors, the best interests of the Association shall be served by such removal.
Section 8.8. Term. Except as otherwise noted in these Bylaws, all members of all committees shall continue as such until the next annual meeting of the members and until his/her successor shall be appointed, unless the committee shall be sooner terminated. Committee members may serve for consecutive terms.
Section 8.9.Vacancies Vacancies on any committee may be filled by appointments by the President.
Section 8.10. Quorum. A majority of the whole committee shall constitute a quorum; an act of a majority of the members present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the committee.
Section 8.11. Informal Action. Any action required or permitted to be taken by a committee at a meeting may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the members of the committee.
Section 8.12. Meetings by Conference Telephone. Members of a committee may participate in a meeting of the committee by conference telephone or similar communications equipment. All persons participating in the meeting shall be able to communicate, and participation in a meeting pursuant to this provision shall constitute presence in person at the meeting. Records of the meeting shall be kept as required by Article X of these Bylaws.
All meetings of the members, the Board of Directors, the Advisory Council and the committees shall be conducted according to the then current edition of Robert's Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, provided that such rules do not conflict with any provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws.
The Association espouses the principles and standards of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (“ACTFL”) and encourages membership in that organization. Whenever possible, the Association will be represented at the ACTFL and Central States Conference meetings by one or more delegates. Those delegates will be chosen through an application process. A committee of at least three people designated by the IWLA President-Elect will be responsible for choosing the delegates from among the applicants. Delegates so selected by the committee and funded by the Board of Directors must submit a report of said meetings to the Board of Directors at the spring meeting and make a presentation at the fall conference.
Section 11.1. Contracts. The Board of Directors may authorize any officer(s) or agent(s) of the Association, in addition to the officers so authorized by these Bylaws, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
Section 11.2. Loans. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the Association and no evidences of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
Section 11.3. Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Association, shall be signed by the Treasurer. In the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, the president shall have the authority to apply to be the co-signer to the accounts.
Section 11.4. Deposits. All funds of the Association shall be deposited to the credit of the Association in such banks or other depositaries as the Board of Directors or Treasurer may select.
Section 11.5. Gifts. The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Association any contribution, gift, bequest or devise consistent with the objectives of the Association.
Section 11.6. Loans to Directors, Officers or Members. No loans shall be made by the Association to the directors, officers or members of the Association. Any director, officer or member who assents to or participates in the making of any such loan shall be liable to the Association for the amount of such loan until the repayment thereof.
Section 12.1. Books and Records Maintained. The Association shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, Board of Directors, Advisory Council and committees and shall keep a record listing the names and addresses of the members entitled to vote.
Section 12.2. Inspection. All books and records of the Association may be inspected by any member or his/her agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.
Section 12.3. Audit. The Board of Directors shall have the books and records of account of the Association audited or a financial review will be conducted by a certified public accountant upon a change in the Treasurer or every three years or by designation of the Executive Board and shall present the report at the annual meeting of members.
The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on January 1 of each year and shall end on December 31 of each year.
Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provisions of the Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act or these Bylaws, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.
These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting at a meeting of the members. The proposed amendment or a summary of the changes to be effected thereby shall be given to each member at the time the notice of the meeting is given.
Amended 10-07-2023