Macintosh HD:Users:lindaallen:Desktop:IWLA Exec. Board Meetings:IWLA Logo-1.pdfIowa World
Language Association
Get Involved with IWLA!

There are lots of ways to be a more active member of IWLA, including: attending events, volunteering to help, presenting at conferences, or serving on the Advisory Council or Executive Board. One of the many added benefits to you is the opportunity to interact and network with other professionals and passionate world language educators from across the state.

Please contact any of the Executive Board members or contact us to learn more about opportunities that may be available to you!

Open Doors @IWLA

IWLA knows that Iowa language teachers offer high-quality instruction and learning opportunities to improve language acquisition and cultural competency. We also know that many of our language teachers are part of small departments or are departments of one. Getting away from the classroom is hard, and everyone hates writing sub plans. 

So IWLA is going to pay you $10 for 10 minutes of opening your classroom door and sharing your skills with other Iowa teachers. To participate:

  1. Record 4-6 minutes of an activity, routine, or project. It's great if student voices are heard or a recording from the back of class is used.
  2. Share a couple of minutes of what we are looking at, what benefits you see, and mention any follow-up ideas or resource pages.
  3. Email your video(s)- you can send each video separately- to
    • First 10 Iowa world language teachers to submit videos will receive $10 Amazon e-giftcards
    • Must be a language teacher in Iowa: ELL, Language other than English- including ASL, immersion, dual language, in grades prek-16+.

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