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Iowa World Language Association

IWLA Grants and Awards

27 Jan 2013 2:42 PM | Kimberly Huegerich

Have you worked with a language teacher who you were inspired by?  Have you attended an IWLA conference session by someone that amazed you?  Do you have a go-to person when you have a language question?  Has someone directed you to someone to help you with a new idea, research-based concept, or cutting-edge approach?  Want to pay this person a sign of appreciation?

Nominate an inspirational, knowledgeable, leading educator for the Teacher of the Year, Teacher of Promise, or the Distinguished Educator Award!  Nomination materials can be found on the “Awards”  tab on the right side of the IWLA website.  Nominations are due April 30, but don’t delay.  

Have a unique idea for your classroom?  IWLA also awards grants for innovation in the classroom.  Check out the requirements and application materials under the "Grants" tab at the left.

Get your excitement on paper today and send the information to:

Kimberly Huegerich

501 Park St

Jewell, IA 50130


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