Macintosh HD:Users:lindaallen:Desktop:IWLA Exec. Board Meetings:IWLA Logo-1.pdfIowa World
Language Association

Contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives today!

08 Apr 2013 10:07 AM | Carrie Morris

Ensure that existing language programs are protected.

We know that actions speak louder than words with the future of critical education and foreign language programs on the line. Our leaders on both sides of the aisle must come together for a “grand bargain,” but so far, these conversations have yet to yield real results. Tell your Member of Congress TODAY to work with their colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support a grand bargain that provides a long-term solution to sequestration and includes a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Without a real solution, the education and foreign language programs we care about face an uncertain future with nearly 10 years of devastating cuts. The time to act is now – send a message to your representative and senators today!
To learn more about ACTFL’s Action Alert, “Sequestration Now in Effect - Urge a Grand Bargain”, go to  and contact your representative and senators today!

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