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Online Graduate Credit available through UNI this summer!

19 Apr 2013 7:22 PM | Carrie Morris
The Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of
Northern Iowa, in conjunction with the Office of Continuing and Distance Education, is offering two Spanish graduate online courses for the Summer 2013 semester:

SPAN 6052 - Topics in Language and Culture: Sport and Media in Spain
3 units
Instructor - Juan Carlos Castillo
Dates - 6/10/13 - 7/5/13
Instruction Mode - online via eLearning
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the culture of
Spain through the study of sports. The focus will be on how sports are
used to promote different identities, through the study of the media,
national icons and symbols, nation-building, globalization, immigration,
gender, drugs and cultural diversity. Even though some of the readings
for the course will be in English, Spanish will be the language used in
the class and in all assignments.

SPAN 6060 - Spanish American Literature: Latin American Novel
3 units
Instructor - Ivonne Cuadra
Dates - 7/8/13 - 8/2/13
Instruction Mode - online via eLearning
Study of selected Latin American novels of the 20th century.

Tuition will be $431/unit + $24.25 technology fee per class.

These courses are fully applicable to the UNI Spanish, Spanish-Teaching, and TESOL-Spanish M.A. programs. For information about admission into these programs, please visit:

Students who want to take a Continuing Education course can also be
admitted through the Continuing Education office as non-degree seeking students.

Please fill out the enrollment form at by June 6th if you are enrolling for SPAN 6052 and by July 4th if you are enrolling for SPAN 6060 to ensure you will have eLearning access at the start of the course.

Questions regarding course content should be direct to the instructor, &

Any questions regarding enrolling or locating course information can be
answered by Trisha at UNI Continuing and Distance Education,

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